What is 269?

269 is all about the glorious things that happen when good food and good people come together.

269 is a place to meet, eat, chat and enjoy the company of friends and strangers in a lively, welcoming environment. It's a place for everyone - whether you’re grabbing a stuffed pita to go, settling in for  a long lunch with lots of wine, or bringing the kids for an early dinner.

Our story

269 is the brainchild of Kevin Harvey, part of the Harvey family who founded Parnell. Having travelled the world extensively his passion was to create a beautiful space which is all about good food, and spending time together. "I want people to have somewhere to go to share all kinds of tapas, have a drink and listen to music - people from all around the world, all different backgrounds sitting together and enjoying themselves." 

Back in the seventies Kevin's father Les bought a number of run-down old shops along Parnell Rise and used recycled materials to restore them. These were converted into the restaurants, cafes and craft shops now known as Parnell Village. Les’ children Kevin, Tom and Nancy have continued to own and take care of these properties since their father passed away, and are all still very involved in the local community. 269 is Kevin's gift to Parnell.
“This space is all about people and food and love. I wanted to create somewhere where the tables are communal, the conversation is spirited, the food is abundant and the pace is leisurely.”
Kevin Harvey
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